Spring visitor – Spotted Sandpiper
For the fourth year we have deployed floating platforms in Silver Lake with motion activated cameras installed to capture videos of visitors. We have had many surprises including this year with visits from Spotted Sandpipers. The Spotted Sandpiper is common to the shores of streams, ponds and lakes in NE Pennsylvania and New York. This…
Read MoreConservation Success Story – Wood Ducks
In Conservation, it is important to have a long term perspective. In 2015, Edward L Rose Conservancy partnered with Rockwell Collins for a Green Communities grant involving the construction of nesting boxes. Some of those boxes were designed for Wood Duck nesting. The cedar construction of the nesting boxes included a predator shield to block…
Read MoreSpring Visitors to Floating Platform
Spring Visitors to our Floating Platforms: We deployed two floating platforms again this Spring, including motion activated cameras. The platforms are made of cedar, are anchored near the inlet to Silver Lake, and include some over-arching branches for protection from predators and some hay for a softer bed. No bait or enticement is provided other…
Read MoreCornell Interns Complete Summer Projects
The Conservancy was again blessed and impressed with the energy, intelligence, and hard work from the Cornell interns working on projects at Greenwood Sanctuary and High Point Preserve in the Summer of 2016. Nicole Thuzar Tu-Maung, Cory Snyder, and Briana J. Binkerd-Dale, working under the supervision of Kristi Sullivan and Steve Morreale from Cornell’s Department…
Read MoreNesting Boxes at Greenwood Sanctuary
Last Fall, some nesting boxes designed for Wood Ducks and some designed for Owls or Kestrels, were deployed at Greenwood Sanctuary in Dimock, PA. This week we saw swallows skimming across the water for insects and returning repeatedly to the Wood Duck nesting boxes positioned near the pond. The nesting boxes have a side door…
Read MoreVisitors to Floating Nest
When you decide to hijack a nest site from a Mallard Duck, on a floating platform, and incubate a brood of your own, the 28 days of isolation can be pleasantly punctuated by visits from non-threatening neighbors. One regular task, for which webbed feet are particularly adept, is turning the eggs to help with…
Read MoreFloating Platform Update – Goose Family
In mid-April, we observed that there was a Canadian Goose nesting on one of the floating platforms. We are happy to report that three goose eggs that were incubated on the floating platform hatched this week. There were egg shells observed on the nesting platform. The mother goose and the goslings were not seen when…
Read MoreFloating Platforms update – another new nest
In early April, we observed a Mallard duck nest on one of the floating platforms. We mounted a motion activated camera and then did not disturb the nest site for three weeks. We returned yesterday to see if conditions would allow swapping of the SD memory card in the camera. We found no sign of…
Read MoreFloating Platform Update – New Tenant
The two floating platforms were stored on shore at Silver Lake for the winter, and were again deployed on April 2, 2016. The platforms were placed about 50 feet off-shore and new straw was added. The day that the platforms were floated out again, there were 5 mallard ducks observed on the lake. A quick…
Read MoreWood Duck nesting boxes at Little Gem
Conservancy Volunteers raised two nesting boxes at the inlet to Silver Lake on the Conservancy owned ‘Little Gem’ property. The two cedar boxes are mounted on galvanized poles that can be easily taken down to inspect and clean the boxes annually. There is a galvanized predator guard metal cone mounted on the pole below the…
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