Great Blue Heron Closeup on Floating Platform

One of the long term environmental projects of the Conservancy is the annual deployment of floating platforms.  The cedar timber platforms were built by volunteers and early in the Spring are anchored in a shallow end of the lake.  The platforms have been used successfully by nesting birds such as geese and ducks, and by…

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Ducks and Turtles – Spring 2020

On two floating platforms on Silver Lake in Brackney, PA, Springtime brings ducks and turtles looking for a place of rest. In this video, we see a family of Mallard ducks that we saw earlier in the Spring. The video clips from motion-activated cameras over a two week period, show how quickly the ducklings are…

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Muskrat activity increases on Floating platforms

In the Fall of 2014, fresh water mussel shells were observed in piles one of the floating platforms. Some of the shells exhibited bite marks and broken pieces and some of the shells were just separated into two halves. The motion activated cameras have captured new images of muskrats using the platforms in this Fall…

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