Annual Meeting Planned – Saturday July 27, 2024
The Board of Directors of the Edward L. Rose Land Conservancy invites members to attend
its annual meeting, currently scheduled for Saturday, July 27, 2024.
We at the E.L. Rose Land Conservancy seek to protect forests, farms, wildlife habitat,
and water quality in northeastern Pennsylvania and in south central New York.
A small organization, we promote environmental issues at the local, grass roots level.
We depend on dues-paying members like yourself to vote on key issues and
to otherwise advise us on what direction the organization should take in the coming years.
This year’s annual meeting will be combined with a members’ picnic at
the Williams Pavilion in Salt Springs Park. We begin congregating at 4 p.m.
A picnic dinner will be served at 5:00, followed by the annual meeting.
Voting and nonvoting members are welcome, along with interested family members.
There will be a nominal meal charge for non-members.
Details will follow – look for an RSVP form, to be mailed out in early July
as we make our final meeting plans. For directions and maps, visit saltspringspark.org.