A Stream Runs Through It – Annual Meeting Conservation Easement
The 2016 Annual Membership meeting was held for the first time at the Greenwood Sanctuary property in Dimock, PA. The Greenwood Sanctuary property is a treasure, and the barn and trails were in excellent condition.
One of the high-lights of the meeting was the presentation of an Easement Sign to Mr. Wally Woods who recently placed a conservation easement on his 35 acre property in Bridgewater Township and donated “stewardship of that easement in perpetuity” to the Conservancy. This easement will permanently protect a critical forested headwater of Meshoppen Creek and a mature hardwood forest for many generations to come.
Board of Director member Keith Oberg presents a Conservation Easement sign to Mr. Wally Woods for display on his property that now has a conservation easement protecting the natural beauty and character.
A conservation easement is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and a land trust that permanently restricts certain aspects of development to protect the conservation values of the property. When a landowner places a conservation easement on his/her land, he/she maintains ownership and use of the property and can sell it or pass it on to heirs. The land is subject to certain restrictions agreed upon by the landowner and the land trust. For example, a landowner might agree to limit development on his/her property to one residence. Future landowners are bound by these restrictions as well, and the land trust is responsible for upholding the terms of the easement. In addition to the satisfaction landowners get from knowing their land is protected in perpetuity, there are also three potential tax advantages to granting an easement: an income tax deduction; an estate tax benefit; and, possibly, a reduction in property taxes. Last but not least, landowners can place conservation easements on land with sub-surface gas leases and enjoy the benefits of both. Contact the E.L. Rose Conservancy at 570-278-9500 or visit our website at www.elrose.org for more information.