A donation can also be made in memory of a friend or loved one.
Please choose an amount you are comfortable giving and join us and others like you who want to protect our scenic landscapes, wildlife habitat and water resources in this wonderful region of Northeast Pennsylvania and the Southern Tier of New York.
We encourage you to consider a recurring donation. Dedicated friends like you who make recurring gifts offer a consistent, reliable source of income to our Land Trust. This allows us to focus more resources on protecting land and water, and less on fundraising. Your tax-deductible contribution helps protect the land you love for current and future generations.
For more information, please contact us at (309)-530-0230 or board@elrose.org
Employer Matching Gifts
Making a donation to the Edward L. Rose Conservancy is easy!
And, with only a small added effort, you could double or even triple your contribution!
Many companies will match contributions to the Conservancy made by employees and spouses, even if retired.
Please check to see if your company has a matching gift program today.
Then simply fill out a matching gift form from your company and include it with your membership or donation!
Mail the form to:
Edward L. Rose Conservancy
P.O. Box 8
Montrose, PA 18801