Celebration held for transfer of Woodbourne to E.L. Rose

Celebration Held – June 12, 2024

Transfer of Woodbourne Forest and Wildlife Preserve to E.L. Rose Land Conservancy

An Official Transfer celebration was held at Salt Springs State Park

to share in the bright future of the merging of the Woodbourne family with the E.L. Rose family.

A positive event was held with refreshments and speakers highlighting the history of Woodbourne.

Rebecca Benner welcomed all to the celebration.

Keith Oberg spoke about the rich history of E. L  Rose Land Conservancy in preserving natural places in NE Pennsylvania and the souther tier of New York State.

Joyce Stone gave an interesting history of the Woodbourne Preserve and the thread of caring and environmentally knowledgeable people who enabled the Woodbourne property to thrive.     The history included the paths of the family of Francis R. Cope and the family of Edward L Rose to come together to treasure the Woodbourne preserve.