Rapid Riparian Reforestation Event July 1, 2023
Event announcement: Silver Lake Watershed Native Tree plantings – Part 3R
Description: 3R Event to plant native trees : Rapid Riparian Reforestation
Goal : Plant 60 native trees in 60 minutes
Location: Off Quinn Road, Stream shoreline at the North end of Silver Lake (E.L.Rose Little Gem)
Date: Saturday July 1, 2023
Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Equipment: Boots, gloves, trowel, hammer, shovel
This project is supported by the Edward L Rose Conservancy, Susquehanna County Conservation District, and PA Master Watershed Steward Program. Native plants along streams and lakes help to keep water clean by reducing sedimentation and nutrients in water, helping to retain top soil, and provide a diverse, healthy environment. Our great grandchildren will be grateful for the beautiful forest, healthy watershed, and biodiverse wildlife community.
3R Glossary:
Rapid: happening in a short time or at a fast pace