Summer time, Kids, and Nature
We as a society have become so protective that our children often do not get the opportunity for free, unstructured play in a natural place. This weekend, Lilian and her brother Lucas were on a walking bridge at a vernal pool in the Butterfly garden at High Point Preserve.
They were having the best time with a pair of buckets catching, playing with, and releasing frogs.
No video games, batteries, social media, just a little competition and a lot of laughter as the slippery frogs gave a lot of entertainment.
The butterfly garden has a lot of interesting native perennial plants that are about to blossom or are already in bloom.
The Edward L Rose Conservancy values our natural places. We need to let our children be part of the natural environment and grow to be future stewards of our precious natural space.
In addition to the numerous frogs, a bird nest was found nestled on the ground in the garden plants.