Penn State Webinar Feb 9: Native Plants and Providing Habitat for Wildlife
Penn State Renewable Natural Resources Extension Team’s February webinar.
PA Forest Stewardship Webinars: Native plants and providing habitat for wildlife,
Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at two times, 12 PM (noon) and 7 p.m. ET.
Topic Description:
Native plants are often already on our local landscapes, but management can be critical to their maintenance as well as the general habitats in which they occur. This presentation will focus on various native plants and their importance to wildlife, but also the habitat management techniques we can apply to enhance, establish, and maintain them.
Presented by Cal DuBrock, Goddard Chair in Forestry and Environmental Resource Conservation, Penn State Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, formerly director, Bureau of Wildlife Management, Pennsylvania Game Commission.
Connect to the webinar using this link in your browser:
Please direct all questions to Allyson at [email protected]